Open your Purchase Order and click the "Send for Approval" icon
at the top of the page.
If you have set up default approvers and users to be notified for every purchase order, these will automatically appear. All you need to do is click "Save".
If you don't have default approvers set up, click "Add Approver" and select the user you'd like to send the purchase order to for approval. You can add multiple approvers if needed.
If you accidentally clicked "Add Approver" and don't need to add anyone else, just click the "x" button to remove it before clicking "Save".
Keep in mind that "Notifying Employees" must be set up in your company settings, it can't be done here.
Click "Save" to send your purchase order for approval. Double-check all the details before you do, to make sure everything is correct.
And that's it! Your purchase order is on its way to getting approved.