Aug 14, 2023
If you can't find a specific document in your account, try these troubleshooting steps:
- Use the 'Emails From' and 'Date Received' filters in Search & Reporting to search for the document using the email address that sent it.
- Make sure you're not including a supplier in your search. If your document is in the 'New Documents' folder, it doesn't have a supplier attached yet and will not be returned in your search results if you include a supplier.
- Change the 'Documents To Include' filter from 'All (excluding deleted)' to 'All' to include deleted and rejected documents in your search results.
- If you still can't find the document, confirm that you have approval rights for the supplier. If you're not sure, you can ask a colleague with Admin access to search for the document.
- If you've tried all of the above steps and still can't find the document, make sure it was uploaded via Drag & Drop or emailed into your account.
- If you've tried everything and still can't find the document, please raise a ticket from your account.
*Pro Tip: If you have a long invoice number, you can try searching for just the last four digits and we will still return any matching documents.